Seven Things To Know For The Caviar Newbie

Posted on: 5 November 2019

If you are a caviar newbie, there are some tips and serving suggestions to know. Caviar is the eggs from fish, primarily the sturgeon fish. 

Seven things to know for the caviar newbie are in the following list:

  1. Buy the good stuff online. If you think that you are limited to what caviars are found at your local big-box grocery chain, think again; you can find and buy Russian Osetra caviar for sale online, instead. Plus, consumers get the added benefits of competitive price points.
  2. Expect to pay. Expect to pay an average of $50-$600 or more per ounce for good imported caviar. The price is influenced by the type of caviar you are buying, the amount, and the availability of the delicacy where you live. Check online specialty food stores to find a wide range of products that can be delivered fresh to your door.
  3. Serve caviar chilled. Chill your caviar, but don't freeze it or allow it to sit at room temperature. Temperatures can impact and degrade the flavor and smell of caviar. The best way to serve your chilled caviar is with toasted white bread or plain crackers, both of which can be lightly buttered.
  4. Stay away from metal. Never serve caviar with a metal spoon as there is a chemical reaction that will make your caviar taste metallic and bitter. Only use spoons and serving utensils made from natural materials, like bamboo or wood. There are some special spoons sold by specialty food vendors.
  5. Pair your caviar right. When enjoying good Russian caviar, serve it with small pancakes topped with sour cream. Some other garnishes for your caviar include finely diced onion, slivers of hard-boiled eggs, and freshly chopped herbs, like parsley.
  6. Ideally, plan on an ounce per person. If your friends or dining companions enjoy caviar, treat them by planning on an ounce per guest, ideally. If you are enjoying someone else's caviar, serve yourself with small spoons to be polite and take small bites for a burst of caviar flavor.
  7. Serve with something cold. For the best flavor pairing, serve caviar with chilled champagne or cold vodka. Also, dry white wines are great with caviar as their acidity helps to cut the richness of the roe.

Keep these seven tips in mind when serving and enjoying good Russian caviar. Don't overlook your online shopping options when it comes to specialty foods like caviar; the options and offerings are endless.
