4 Fun Ways To Spruce Up Your Boring Green Salads

Posted on: 30 July 2019

Everyone knows that eating greens is good for health. But it can be tough to get excited about salads when they always seem to feature the same ingredients and dressings as time goes on. But with just a little imagination and inspiration, you can spruce your boring green salads up and turn them into delicious side dishes or meals that your whole family is sure to enjoy. Here are a few options to consider:

Spice Things Up

Adding some spice to your green salads is a great way to enhance their flavor and make things a little more interesting. While diced jalapenos and chili pepper flakes can bring your salads to life, there are a variety of other ingredients you can use to spice your salads up from time to time. Try adding one or more of the following items to your salads or dressings:

  • Ginger

  • Garlic

  • Spiced pickles

  • Sweet chili sauce

Experiment with a mixture of these options to find the combinations you love and to keep your salads from getting too boring over time.

Do a Little Cooking

You don't always have to eat your green salads raw. Adding a few cooked ingredients to the mix or cooking up the greens themselves can transform your boring salads into satisfying entrees that can be enjoyed for lunch and dinner. Try quartering heads of romaine lettuce and grilling the quarters just until they start to brown. Then serve the lettuce with cherry tomatoes and a basil dressing. Or add cooked ingredients such as zucchini, olives, and peppers to your raw kale and cabbage salads. You can also toast walnuts or almonds to add some crunch to any type of salad you're putting on the table.

Create a Custom Smoothie

If you're tired of chewing your greens, consider blending them up with some sweet fruit to create a custom green smoothie that tastes great even if it looks a little weird. If you put enough fruit in your green smoothie, you'll likely get the kids to enjoy it too. Just add some milk, a few bananas, berries, cherries, peaches, oranges, or a mixture of your favorites to a blender along with baby spinach or kale. Blend everything up until it's nice and smooth, then give the concoction a taste. Add more fruit or your favorite sweetener if it's not sweet enough before serving.

Introduce Edible Orchids

An excellent way to add some vibrancy to your salads and create an impressive presentation is to add some edible orchids to the greens before serving. Edible orchids are delicate, so they won't change the texture of your salads much. But they come in a large variety of colors and sizes, so they'll make your salads look like colorful gardens.

Edible orchids taste fresh and they're packed with nutrients that will make your green salads even healthier than they already inherently are. The kids will think edible orchids are fun, and the adults will think they're exotic. Either way, the flowers will offer an entirely new salad eating experience that most other ingredients can't.
